Road service repairs the highway

Urban development is constantly underway in busy towns and cities across the country. The US population is steadily growing, and with that growth comes change. New businesses are popping up all around and for people to access those new businesses, roads are needed. 

How is a new road built? Here’s the step by step process of laying an asphalt road from the breaking of the ground to the final product. 

Steps in Building an Asphalt Road 

The process of building a new asphalt road can be broken down into 7 basic steps: 

  • Clearing the land. If the land is undeveloped, it will need to be cleared first. This means removing all trees and vegetation until there is just a layer of dirt remaining. If the land was developed but has fallen into disrepair, the pre-existing structures or pavement will need to be removed. 
  • Preparing the ground. The next step is to prepare the ground for paving. This means grading and sloping the land to encourage proper drainage. Moisture needs to be able to run off and flow away from the road naturally to prevent damage to the asphalt and sub layers. Lack of proper grading can lead to future potholes and asphalt failure, so this step is crucial. 
  • Laying the sub base. Once the ground is properly graded, the sub base layer can be put down. This provides a barrier between the ground soil and the pavement. It may be made of recycled concrete or bricks, manufactured aggregates, or granular fill. These materials are compacted to encourage proper drainage and reduce swelling and shrinkage in fluctuating temperatures. 
  • Laying the binder. The next layer that must be put down is the binder. It is made of a sticky substance called bitumen that is mixed with aggregates to form a solid, non-slip surface. It will not melt unless it reaches a temperature of 240 degrees Fahrenheit, making it ideal for even the hottest climates. 
  • Laying the asphalt. The top layer is the asphalt. Asphalt is made of bitumen mixed with aggregates to form a solid, smooth surface. The initial color is a deep black that provides an attractive looking surface. The color will fade to gray over time from sun and traffic.
  • Connections. The next step is to connect the new road to the other roads it leads to and away from. This requires careful paving to provide a smooth transition from the new pavement to the existing pavement. 
  • Painting. The final step is painting. Lines and directional symbols will need to be painted on the asphalt to direct traffic and provide safety information. 

How Long Does it Take to Build a New Road?

The length of time varies depending on the situation. On average, laying a new asphalt road can take 2-3 weeks. For longer roads it could be as long as 8 weeks. The condition of the land and the length of the road are the biggest factors in determining the time frame for laying asphalt. 

How Soon Can You Drive on a New Road?

It takes the asphalt a few days to solidify enough to be ready for vehicle and foot traffic. It is safest to wait at least 3 days after pavement is laid before using the road or opening it to others. 

Who Should I Hire to Pave My Road?

If you have a new commercial building or business that needs a road, you’ll need a professional commercial asphalt paving company to build it. Road building is something that needs to be done by an expert to ensure the lasting success of your pavement. It requires specialized equipment and knowledge to build a quality road that will stand the test of time. 

TopWest Asphalt Builds Quality Asphalt Roads

If you’re looking for a qualified, reliable asphalt paving company to build your new road, TopWest Asphalt has the experience necessary to provide you with top quality results. 

Call 604-755-0300 or contact us today to learn more and schedule a free estimate.