Damaged surface of the asphalt road

When asphalt is first laid down it is a dark black color. Whether it’s a driveway or a newly paved road, it looks smooth and flawless. But over time the black fades to gray from the sun and traffic and loses its luster. Besides just looking faded, a gray driveway is an indication that the asphalt is wearing out and breaking down. 

If your driveway is looking more gray than black lately, it may be time for asphalt repair. Here’s what you need to know about gray asphalt driveway repair. 


Signs Your Asphalt Driveway Needs Repair

If you notice any of the following, your driveway needs repair: 

  • Fading. If your once black driveway has faded to gray, it needs attention. Fading is a sign that the bitumen (tar) is drying out. The bitumen holds the aggregates (pieces of asphalt) together. When it dries out the aggregates become more visible and start to flake off of the driveway. The sooner a fading driveway is repaired the better. 
  • Cracks. Visible cracks in your asphalt need to be repaired right away. Cracks allow moisture to seep underneath your driveway which can damage the sublayer and foundation. 
  • Low spots. Are there obvious low spots in your driveway where water puddles? These spots need to be repaired as soon as possible or they will only continue to deepen. 
  • Potholes. Potholes are severe low spots where the asphalt is not only dipped, but sometimes also cracked around the edges. These need to be filled to prevent further damage. 
  • Weeds growing through. If there are places where weeds or grass are growing up through the cracks in your driveway, it means those cracks are severe enough that the sublayer is also damaged. These cracks need to be patched and sealed. 
  • Stains. Oil and other substances leak from cars and stain driveways. Leaves and plant matter can also cause stains. Stains are not only unsightly, but they indicate that the asphalt is no longer sealed effectively to repel stains. 


What Gray Asphalt Driveway Repair Entails

There are a few different ways that asphalt can be repaired:

  • Crack patching. Any cracks in your driveway can be patched to seal them off from moisture and prevent weeds from growing through. 
  • Sealcoating. A seal coat can be applied to your asphalt that will protect the surface from damage and repel water and other substances. It will also restore the dark black color of your driveway. 
  • Pothole repair. Potholes need to be repaired and filled with new asphalt to even out the surface of your driveway and prevent them from getting deeper. 
  • Resurfacing. If there are too many potholes, cracks, or other damage to patch up individually, your driveway may need to be scraped and completely resurfaced. 
  • Repaving. Some driveways are beyond repair and need to be completely repaved. This process starts from the ground up, preparing the foundation and laying new asphalt. 


Save Money With Asphalt Repair 

As with most things, the better care you take of something, the longer it will last. The same is true with your asphalt driveway. If you notice that your driveway is fading to gray, it means that it could use some maintenance. Applying a sealcoat every one to three years can help your asphalt keep its dark black appearance as well as prevent cracks, stains, and other damage from occurring. Maintenance will save you money by preventing future repairs or repaving. 


Topwest Asphalt Provides Gray Driveway Repair Services 

If your driveway needs a refresher, Topwest Asphalt can help. We provide a complete range of asphalt services to repair and maintain your driveway. Preserve the appearance of your driveway to enhance the curb appeal of your home. Adding an asphalt driveway adds value to your home and repairs help maintain that value. 

Call 604-755-0300 or contact us to request a free estimate. We look forward to helping you keep your asphalt driveway looking great.